Wednesday 29 January 2014

Stripes - Card Challenge

I enjoyed making this card - I love bunting so just had to include stripey bunting in this card.  I also love red/black/white colour combination - bold and striking.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Today I am going to try something new - adding a photo to my blog. Check - done.  Now I want to attach a photo of a card I made but I cannot quite see how to do that so I need to pop off and investigate ......

Just a simple one ... it's the first one I found in my gallery - I'm not patient enough to trawl through for a fancy one !

Monday 27 January 2014

Well, this is all new to me.  New Year, new avenues of creativity to explore, new zest for life.

So, here I am, a fresh new blogger with not much to say at the moment but I'm sure this will grow on me.